Threaded Pipe Fittings vs Welded Pipe Fittings

As a result of wide-scale progress and fabrication currently picking up the pace in the past few years, pipe fittings are significantly making its huge appearance in the industry. We might not consider it as essential but they make a considerable importance, especially for connectivity for water inlets and to provide clean water distribution system and sewerage systems.

Pipe fitting industries has introduced various types of fittings for numerous configurations which includes pipes, tubes, pneumatic, flared and other fittings. They individually make great importance as no pipe can be installed without the usage of fittings.

As the industries are becoming mature, they are heavily concern about the audience. Their quarrel these days is about which fittings serves better the people with great performance. Hence the question on every person’s mind is that which fittings is best for today’s use?

Threaded Pipe Fittings:

Threaded pipe fittings are mostly used for minimalistic bore piping having a diameter of around NPS 2 or smaller. Although being as one of the oldest pipe connectors this is still surprisingly popular. They are mainly used for applications with lower temperatures.

Welded Pipe Fittings:

Welded pipe fittings are mainly used to join pipes or fittings that has the same size and ends. The thing that differs welded from threaded pipe is that this pipe has a plain or bevel ends. Elbows, tees and induction bends comes under the commonly used welded pipe fittings.

We surveyed through the internet and came with the idea of sharing people’s thoughts on what they think about both these fittings:

· “You are correct about welded piping but the industry is mature and has used threaded connections for decades with little incident”.

· Got to disagree gent’s; I have seen 10 to 20 times as many leaking threaded small-bore connections than socket-welded.
· I agree that welded connections are less likely to have leaking issues than threaded connections. Even with the worst possible welder it’s pretty difficult to have such a poor weld that leaks occur.

· I don't know which is better for your application but would like to point out that welding is a permanent joint while threaded joints are not permanent. Welded joints should be cut if needed but threaded joints can be opened.

After a closer inspection to these comments, we realized that these fittings are judged by the experience they go through. Threaded fittings are classic and cheaper for some people while welded fittings are more robust for some users.

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