Uses of Rubber Sheet in Industry

Common Uses of Rubber Sheets

Rubber is one of the materials which does not look so sturdy and strong but it has good resistance power, especially to the substances like oil and petroleum, ultraviolet rays, etc. It is popularly used in wooden flooring and to cover roofs. A rubber sheet is also used in footwear, medicine, gyms, dance studios, under the shower, in many other buildings and alteration use.

Types of Rubber Sheets for Industrial Use

Rubber sheets are preferred in many industries mainly because of their flexible nature, it can bear harsh temperatures like extreme cold. Dues to this nature it is quite suitable for use as shock absorbers and some specific machinery mounting suitable for lessening vibration. It has an amazing quality of combining with other products makes much suitable for industrial use.

Several different types of industrial rubber sheets are available in the market; used for different purposes. It is most likely that there will be a lot of demand for rubber sheets since their usage has increased over time. The most important factor of using them is that they are not too heavy on the pocket as compared to other comparisons in the market.

Rubber sheets can be made of rubber or rubber with a coat of rubber. It is surely a difficult decision to make when you are looking for the best quality and the most suitable rubber sheet for industrial use. There is a wide variety available in the market, you should check its width, length and thickness according to your requirement. You would obviously not want to compromise on the quality – Suneil Wala Building Material will not disappoint you in this regard. We have a large variety of high-end rubber sheets, this variety is made to make them appropriate for explicit applications. The significant difference in their production further divides them into the following types:

Neoprene Rubber Sheets

This is a synthetic rubber made by polymerizing 2-chlor-1, 3-butadiene. Neoprene compounds are ideal for they are oil-resistant, can also stand sunlight and ozone. This compound, known as neoprene is resistant to ammonia, Freon, oxygen, ozone and many other fluids. This material is incredible if used in pump and refrigeration applications. Neoprene is an artificial rubber mostly used to make gaskets that are usually used for unprotected environment applications, for instance, those which involve seawater. 

Buna-Nitrile Rubber Sheets

(also called Buna-N, NBR, Nitrile) is typical in hydraulic and pneumatic waterproofing elastomers. It is used for petroleum-based hydraulic fluids for it is the most reliable form for this purpose as it is oil-resistant. Buna-N has a good scuff resistance, it is highly strong and stretchy, also can resist compression.

EPDM Rubber Sheets

Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer – an elastomer in functions that has direct contact with acids, weak alkalis, and automotive brake fluids.  Because of its high resistance to ozone and sunlight, this is considered one of the most practical rubber outdoors.

Silicone Rubber Sheets

As the name suggests, it made up of silicone, it is a synthetic rubber sheet used to make gaskets. The remarkable quality of silicone is it can withstand 200°C and is a passive sort of chemical inert, which is why it is suitable in the food manufacturing processes. 

SWBM offers a great variety of Rubber Sheets in several sizes and thicknesses.  These sheets are easily customized for any industrial application, as per need. We strive for maintaining the quality, it is not only about your finished products – the processes, systems and the team behind that product are all that matters. We believe in pursuing excellence constantly – making sure that our customers are satisfied and proud of choosing us over others in the market.








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