Butterfly valves

Valves are mechanical or electro-mechanical devices. They are used in industries and also in buildings like apartments and houses. It works for only one purpose, which is to control the flow of liquids, gases, powders, etc. through pipes or tubes, or from tanks or other containers. Many a time, they depend on some type of mechanical obstruction—a plate, a ball, a diaphragm, for instance—that can be positioned and detached from the flow stream of the material passing by. Some valves are designed as on-off varieties, while others allow exceptionally fine control of the section of media. Choosing the right valves Material selection plays an important role in specifying valves to ensure the compatibility of the wetted parts of the valve with the fluid or powder passing through it. Sizing is determined by the pipe or tubing diameter, flow rate, and the width between flanges for pipeline valves being installed as replacements. Material choices assume a significant part in de...